I invite you to browse through the website and use whatever resources can help you.  I ask you also to invite anyone who may be suffering depression to browse through the website. 

There are so many people, including many Christians, affected by depression.  Please invite anyone who is interested to learn more about the Biblical (Bible) approach I learned that God used to provide my victory over depression. 

There is lots of information to assist you.  Check out my blog at VictoryOverDepression.WordPress.com and my videos on Facebook (Victory Over Depression – VOD Videos) and YouTube.  .

​Blog for Victory Over Depression - VOD Ministries

Introduction Video to Victory Over Depression - VOD Ministries

 Welcome To DepressionVictory.Com

  The website of Victory Over Depression – VOD Ministries. 

The purpose of VOD Ministries is to present the victory, freedom, and healing that many need who are suffering depression (or any kind of mental illness).   

 The way the victory is provided through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Specifically, it is coming to the reality that Jesus Christ lives in you.  It will involve a complete renewing of the mind to see yourself the way God does (through God’s eyes).  That is a reflection of one’s NEW IDENTITY.  The key is to reflect often that when the Father sees you, He sees His Son Jesus in you.